Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an equally successful show in Quebec called Star Académie. It is broadcast on TF1. At the end of each season, selected contestants would go on tour around France, Morocco, Switzerland, Belgium, Tunisia, and other French-speaking countries.
Title | Star Academy - Specials |
Alternative Titles | انجمن ستارگان |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
First Air Date | 2001-10-20 |
Last Air Date | 2024-02-04 |
Number of Episodes | 371 |
Number of Seasons | 11 |
Genres | Reality, |
Networks | TF1, NRJ 12, |
Casts | Nikos Aliagas, Pierre de Brauer, Joël Bouraïma, Marlène Schaff, Michael Goldman, Adeline Toniutti, Malika Benjelloun, Cécile Chaduteau, Lucie Bernardoni, Axel Marbeuf, Candice Vernet |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 1 Star Academy - Before the tour
2003-02-01Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 2 Star Academy - The 3 promotions
2004-01-03Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 3 Star Academy - The strongest moments
2005-01-08Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 4 Star Academy - 5th Anniversary
2005-12-23Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 5 Star Academy - The 100th
2007-01-05Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 6 Grégory, the voice of an angel
2007-05-04Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 7 10 years of emotion (1/2)
2011-12-13Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 8 10 years of emotion (2/2)
2011-12-14Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...
Star Academy Season 0 :Episode 9 The great story of Star Academy
2012-11-29Star Academy is a French reality television show produced by the Dutch company Endemol. It consists of a contest of young singers. It spawned an...